Option 5 Extended Comment, "In Service Of What? The Politics Of Service Learning."
For my blog post I am choosing option number five which is extended comments on someone else’s blog. For my blog post I will be writing it based on my classmate Emily Giuliani’s blog post. In the beginning she makes a broad statement staying although the article addresses educational matters, politics is politics no matter what, they are ignoring to address one of the biggest problems which is sexism and I couldn’t agree more with her. With today’s generation sexism is being ignored just as much as education where it shouldn’t. Today many people are scared to face the unknow never-mind address it but times are changing and so are people whether everyone likes it or not, it’s what we have to face and try to understand and accept it. Emily addresses how both articles show major impact in a political view but in two different ways. She addresses how there’s a lack of education due to issues like native language, race and gender where now girls are getting looked down on the same way ch...