
Critical Reflection on Social Justice Event

            On Wednesday, November 14th I had attended the LGBTQ Thanksgiving in the Donovan Dining Center. Many shared stories and discussed unique challenges for LGBTQ+. People and their families that arise inn the forms of microaggressions and homo/transphobia and coping strategies for dealing with family dynamics in this political environment.        Some of the stories and strategies that I'll be sharing, I will not give out names of the people who shared.  Some that did come to this event had not shared with their families their sexuality's because they are scared their families will reject them. One women who is a senior at RIC stated "to remind yourself that you are not alone. The problem is not with you but the homophobic family relative that doesn't understand you. To also remain hopeful that the family relative who is homophobic will change their attitude will change after your relative has had some time to adjust and ...

Blog Post #9 "Why Schools Need to Take Another Route"

            In this reading, the author Jeannie Oakes talks about how tracking students have positive and negative aspects to it. According to the reading one major aspect to tracking is that, “tracking leads to many differences in the day-to-day learning experience students have in school.” Meaning anyone in these types of environments have access to richer schooling experiences compared to other students. Other great reasons for tracking can help school educators see what needs to be changed if there are changes that do need to be made tracking sometimes seems to “work” for high ability students. Sometimes there are some uneven opportunities, in high-ability classes tend to have better instructions meaning the teaching skills would be considered better. A study was made to see if this statement is true. According to Oakes, “top-track classes spend more time on learning activities and less on disapline, socializing, or cl...

Blog Post #8 Argument

Post #8, Herbert Article, “Separate and Unequal”             According to Herbert’s Article, he believes that Educators find it extremely difficult to get good/promising results in schools that would be characterized by high concentrations of poverty. Schools who have many black and Hispanic children tend to have lower student achievements along with lower levels of parents being involved. Herbert states, “evidence show that poor kids of all ethnic backgrounds do better academically when they go to school with their more affluent – that is, middle class – peers.” Another eye-opening quote from the article is, “there is very little evidence that you can have success when you pack all the low-income students into one particular school.” Educators want to take away children from poor learning environments and bringing them to a school where the neighborhood and children around them would be considered a good influence where t...

Option 5 Extended Comment, "In Service Of What? The Politics Of Service Learning."

For my blog post I am choosing option number five which is extended comments on someone else’s blog. For my blog post I will be writing it based on my classmate Emily Giuliani’s blog post. In the beginning she makes a broad statement staying although the article addresses educational matters, politics is politics no matter what, they are ignoring to address one of the biggest problems which is sexism and I couldn’t agree more with her. With today’s generation sexism is being ignored just as much as education where it shouldn’t. Today many people are scared to face the unknow never-mind address it but times are changing and so are people whether everyone likes it or not, it’s what we have to face and try to understand and accept it. Emily addresses how both articles show major impact in a political view but in two different ways. She addresses how there’s a lack of education due to issues like native language, race and gender where now girls are getting looked down on the same way ch...

Election 2018, Option One

Jill Soloway on Donald Trump, Locker Rooms and Toxic Masculinity             This article talks about how nearly all sexual violence is done by men and how the fraise, “boys will be boys” will forever exsist and nothing will change. The article also talks about how there is also a term called, “locker-room talk” which isn’t just talk about women, it talks about different and certain kind of women.  The author addresses this because it happens everywhere especially with our president Donald Trump states, “grab them by the p-y.” Jill Soloway explains to the readers how this needs to be addressed right away because if we let our president talk about anything in however way he wants to say what he is trying to say, then we are making it okay for everyone else to do so as well. More individuals will talk women in a terrible way which can create conflicts in elections.  This makes me think back to the readi...

Gerri August "Safe Spaces" & Erin Zelle "11 and Gender Fluid: Suits, Ties and other Staples From My Daughter's Closets"

Safe Spaces  Gerri August              In the reading “Safe Spaces” by Gerri August, explains that classrooms are considered to be a safe zone where common interest and individual differences coexist. Many students encounter cultural and ethnic norms different from those of their family. The author also addresses how we need to pay more attention and keep LGBT youth more safe. Many people aren’t accepting of any sexuality besides being straight. August states, “Justin, a promising musician, was bullied because of his sexual orientation. He took his life after finishing freshman year. After Justin’s death, his mother campaigned to change district policies that required teachers to remain neutral regarding issues of sexual orientation” (pg.84). In today’s generation LGBT is becoming an up-raising situation where younger adults along with children and older parents or people in general aren’t sure how to react or...

Unlearning the Myths That Blind Us, Linda Christensen

            After reading Unlearning the Myths That Blind Us, by Linda Christensen, she addresses how many women are angry that they have never seen an African American, Asian or a Hispanic person in a cartoon, especially in a Disney movie. Christensen states, “Women who aren’t white begin to feel left out and ugly because they never get to play the princess”. Also later on she states, “Happiness means getting a man, and transformed from wretched conditions can be achieved through consumption- in their case, through new clothes and a new hairstyle” . Both of these quotes mean a lot in a women’s eyes. No women should feel ugly or ashamed of themselves just because of their race or from what they see on cartoons or online that betray someone as beautiful. There is no such thing as a perfect human being, I know some women and especially men think that there is such a thing as a perfect women but every women on this planet ...