Amazing Grace, Kozol

Jonathan Kozol 
Amazing Grace 

            The author Jonathan Kozol main point in this reading is that, if some children grow up in an environment that isn’t healthy for them to be around, they could potentially grow into those poor habits around them. Kozol uses Brook Avenue in New York as an example. The author states, “In 1991 the median household income was $7,600 according to New York Times (pg.3, Kozol).” A pastor from St. Ann Church states, “More than 95 percent are poor, the poorest of the poor, poor by any standard I can think of (pg. 3, Kozol).” Both of these quotes can show people that the people who do live in these environment’s will be exposed to many things meaning drugs, alcohol or may have to give up some things in order to surviving meaning possibly going through a few nights without heat in order to eat. As you continue to read the author also states, “Nearly 4,000 heroin injectors, many whom are HIV-infected, live here (pg. 4, Kozol).”  After this quote is if you continue to read page 4, all it talks about is the different type pf drugs or diseases people around that area are exposed too and are diagnosed with which isn’t good for a young child’s environment . It could possibly lead a child into depression, fear or anxiety and at such a young age that should be the last thing a child should be dealing with. According to the article U.S Poverty Myths(which if you click this article, it will link you right to the article) explains how poverty has such a big impact on children than people would expect. The article states, “Poverty can impede children’s ability to learn and contribute to social, emotional, and behavioral problems. Poverty also can contribute to poor physical and mental health. (National Center for Children in Poverty, 2012).”  This quote helps Kozol’s message about if a child grows up in an unsafe environment then they will be exposed and possibly follow the footsteps of those people.  


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